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Understanding Popular Apps and Games

TikTok information for Parents


You may have heard of a viral video on TikTok, which has been in the media today. Unlike most viral videos (challenges etc.), sadly this one is real. It shows, very graphically, a man taking his own life with a shotgun.

The incident was streamed live on Facebook, I believe a few weeks ago, and recordings are continually being uploaded to TikTok over the last couple of days. TikTok do appear to be working hard to shut these accounts down, but as much as they do, others are uploading and new accounts are being created.

There is no "one size fits all (particularly age)" solution to such a problem, but I hope the following will help:

For students:

  • Do not mention this to students. Whether something becomes viral or not relies on this very curiosity for engagement, and children are curious. Equally, to some it may be a trigger.

  • Have a general discussion with students about what they would do, who they would talk to etc. if they see something concerning.

  • Remind them that it is never their fault and they can always ask for help.

  • Signpost them to parents/teachers/DSL in the first instance, but also give them opportunities if they wish to talk to someone else, e.g. Childline or Papyrus "
