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    • Burton-Upon-Stather Primary
    • Flixborough Road
    • Burton-Upon-Stather
    • Scunthorpe
    • North Lincolnshire,DN15 9HB
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School Meals

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) are entitled to a free school meal under the Government's Universal Free School Meal Scheme which came into effect on September 1st 2014. Any parents who do not wish to take advantage of this scheme are able to send their child to school with a packed lunch.


Children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) have the choice of either a hot dinner provided by catering staff, or a packed lunch brought from home.


For hot meals, a menu is sent home termly so that you and your child can select the meals you wish to take. Each morning children order their main meal choice to guarantee they get what they want when it comes to their sitting. Pupils in Key Stage 2 help themselves to as many vegetables as they like from the daily choice of four varieties. A well stocked salad bar is also offered daily - again this is an unlimited choice.


All school meals must be paid for using our online payment method - ParentPay. Please note that we are UNABLE to accept any cash payments.


School meals cost £2.50 per day and this includes a hot nutritious meal, pudding and drink.


All parents are issued with ParentPay log in details which are linked to their child. If anyone has any difficulty accessing their account please call into the school office.

Free school meals

Pupils are entitled to free school meals if their parents receive:

  • Income support
  • Income based job seekers' allowance
  • Employment support allowance (income related)
  • Child tax credit allowance with no working tax credit and an annual income below £16,190
  • Pension credit
  • Support under part V1 of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
  • Further information on free school meals can be obtained from the education benefits team on 01724 297217 or email:


Apply online

You can apply by completing our free school meals online form.

Summer/Autumn 2024
