Welcome to Year 2's Webpage
Religious Education Overview
A programme of units for RE at Key Stages 1 & 2
These Units of Learning offer a ready-made scheme of work with built-in progression and coverage of all statutory aspects of the agreed syllabus.
Teachers may choose to take Units of Learning in a different order to fit with other curriculum planning.
Y1 |
Y2 |
Y3 |
Y4 |
Y5 |
Y6 |
AUTUMN supplement ideas from Christmas overview |
1.1 Looking at me, looking at you
What makes us special? |
2.1 Belonging
What does it mean to belong?
3.1 Remembering
Why remember? |
4.1 Belief in thecommunity
What does it mean to belong to a faith? |
5.1 Expressions of faith
How do people express their faith? |
6.1 Justice and freedom
Is it fair? |
SPRING supplement ideas from Easter overview |
1.2 Caring for the world
How can we keep the world special? |
2.2 Believing
How do people demonstrate their beliefs? |
3.2 Faith founders
Who are the faith founders and what did they teach? |
4.2 Saints and heroes
What makes a hero? |
5.2 Faith in action
What inspires people to follow a faith and what is the cost?
6.2 Living a faith
What gives a sense of identity and belonging? |
1.3 Worship and festivals
What is worship? |
2.3 Questions, questions
What are the Big Questions? |
3.3 Encounters
What makes a place sacred? |
4.3 Our world
What do religions teach about caring for our world? |
5.3 Pilgrimage
Why do people of faith make a pilgrimage? |
6.3 Hopes and visions
What is life about? |
Forest School
Year 2 have been enjoying their time in the WOW area and they have learnt lots of new skills. We have taken part in lots of different activities including making Gruffalo Crumble, making bread, making bird feeders, making new homes for animals from the Gruffalo story, making broomsticks, making magic wands, investigating soil, making mud and investigating living things, to name but a few! We hope that you enjoy looking at our photographs, they show what an amazing time we have all had.