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    • Burton-Upon-Stather Primary
    • Flixborough Road
    • Burton-Upon-Stather
    • Scunthorpe
    • North Lincolnshire,DN15 9HB
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School Council and Charity Fundraising

Our School Council meet with Miss Campbell and Mrs Cartwright every half term to discuss important issues relating to our school. Our main role is to make sure our school is the very best it can be to allow every child to be able to shine!


At our meetings we discuss any issues that our class have brought to our attention and as a team we work on ways of solving any problems.


We also feed back to Mr Woodhouse every half term, sometimes just to let him know what we have planned and sometimes we have to ask him for money to help us complete projects. 


Recently we have been working alongside our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors at playtimes and our E safety Champions.




What Are Our Aims For This Year? 

1. To ensure that every class has the opportunity to share suggestions with their school councillors every half term. 

2. To raise money for Children in Need by holding a themed non-uniform day. 

3. To continue to raise money for school. 

Raising money for Children in Need 2024


Our School Councillors 

School Council Club

This year, school councillors are invited to the 'School Council Club' on a Tuesday lunchtime. The club will run until October half term. The club will allow our new school council members for 2023-2024 to find out more about their role and plan some exciting fundraising events. This will include making posters for our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon and setting up their class suggestion boxes. 

What Are Our Aims For This Year? 

1. To raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support by holding a coffee afternoon

2. To ensure that every class has a class suggestion box which is monitored half termly 

3. To raise money for Children in Need by holding a themed non-uniform day 

4. To continue to raise money for school 

Minutes 2023-2024

Raising money for Children in Need (November 2023)

Our Community Coffee Afternoon for MacMillan Cancer Support (28.09.23)



What Are Our Aims For This Year?

1. To hold a pyjama to raise money for Children in Need. 

2. To raise money for Comic Relief. 

3. To ensure that the pupil voice is heard through class suggestion boxes and half termly school council meetings.

Children in Need 2021


Macmillan coffee morning 2020

What Are Our Aims For This Year?

1. To hold a community event and raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. 

2. To raise money for charities. 

3. To ensure that the pupil voice is heard through class suggestion boxes and half termly school council meetings.

Fantastic fundraising for the Australian wildlife and their habitats affected by the devastating wild fires.

Our Year 6 school councillors presented Mrs Clarke with a cheque this morning to contribute towards SADS awareness and research...

September 2018 - Another successful Macmillan coffee morning...we raised over £500!
