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    • Burton-Upon-Stather Primary
    • Flixborough Road
    • Burton-Upon-Stather
    • Scunthorpe
    • North Lincolnshire,DN15 9HB
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Pictures of our DT Superstars

Year 3 created their own shell structures. They linked it to their gods and mortals topic and pandora's box. Well done Year 3!

Year 4 followed a design criteria and their intial designs to create bridge prototypes. They then evaluated their prototypes against the criteria and stated changes they will make before their final versions.

Year 1, welcomed their families into school this autumn term for their inspire afternoon. They created their own felt finger puppets, practising doing a running stitch. We are very proud of their final products.

In Summer 2, both Year 2 and 3 have been busy in the kitchen. They got the chance to apply their maths knowledge during the preparation, as well as getting their taste buds tingling during the evaluation of their final products. We have some budding chefs by the looks of it.

During their 'Scream Machine' topic, Year 5 have researched, designed and then built their moving own fairground rounds. What incredible projects, they all created!

Reception, had a fantastic 'Inspire' afternoon, they welcomed their loved ones and created the most amazing junk models. Well done reception!

In forest school, Year Six dug up vegetables from the school garden, prepared them outside and made soup over an open fire. It smelt delicious!

Year 4, followed 2 different ancient recipes and compared the two discussing which one they liked best and why.
